
How To Lose Weight: Expert Doctor & Bodybuilder Debunk Workout Training Myths Part One
While many Americans battle obesity and their effects such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, there are many choosing to prevent those conditions by exercising regularly. "The Centers for Disease Control recently estimated that only 20% of us get the recommended amount of daily exercise," Dr...
Runners World: New Study Warns That Running & Jogging Can Cause Bad Teeth
It's no secret that running can be great for the mind, body and soul. Who doesn't love that rush of endorphins and that sense of accomplishment after a great run? But runners beware, what it's doing to our teeth may surprise you.
Strength Training For Women: 5 Exercises To Prevent The 'Disease of Aging'
"If you want good health, a long life and to feel your best well into old age, the most important thing you can do is strength-training," Dr. Brett Osborn told us. Osborn is the author of Get Serious, A Neurosurgeon's Guide to Optimal Health and Fitness. "Our ability to fight off disease resid...
Beautifully Healthy Eats: 7 Tips For Snacking Better
When your stomach growls and those chips, cupcakes, and cookies start to call your name, remember these seven little tips before you reach for an unhealthy snack, courtesy of Beauty4Media:
How To Improve Health, Happiness & Well-Being: 3 Simple Tips Doctors Recommend
"Imagine you're a spider with just one leg," Dr. Frank King said to us. "You put forth immense effort to try to haul yourself around and not only does it wear you out, it's frustrating and you don't get far." King is a chiropractor, doctor specializing in homeopathic remedies, and author of The H...
Defy Aging from the Inside Out: Check Out The New 'Beauty is Bone Deep' Campaign
Women have been fighting the superficial signs of aging since the beginning of time. But while we are nipping, tucking, moisturizing and concealing, all to combat the outward signs of aging, in a recent consumer survey nearly 3 out of 4 women (73%) said they believe that feeling their age would be w...
The Best #Belfie: Tips From Celebrity Fitness Trainer Gino Caccavale
There is no denying that 'selfies' are a commonality on the internet (even though we all like to deny we don't take them), the new wave of showing off you're svelte behind is by taking a #belfie. Coined by the Insta-famous Jen Selter, we have all become more conscious of how we all look from behind...
Diet Plans: How To Truly Lose Weight Without the 'D-Word' In 4 Steps
Ready to get in shape and trying to pick your next fad diet? Well some experts are saying if you want to lose weight and keep it off, forget about the "d" word and learn the strategies that will really change that number on the scale. "A variety of factors, from biological forces to emotional on...
Spring Diet Plans: New Nutrition Labels Aim To Help Us Eat Healthier
Spring is here and it's time to kick those diets into high gear int ime for summer! It's nothing new to the American consumer that food packaging emphasizes only part of a product's health story, and the fact that the nutritional labeling hasn't been overhauled in 20 years hasn't helped, says car...
Makeup At The Gym: Skin Care Tips From Beauty Expert Margina Dennis For Your Workout
Wanna hit the gym, but just can't bare go without makeup? We hear ya and so does beauty guru Margina Dennis. Dennis has worked her makeup magic on celebrities such as Jane Lynch, Lea Michelle, and Tom Brady. Her work has also been featured in Teen Vogue, Entertainment Weekly. Check out what the beau...
Throwback Thursday: Classic Beauty, Jane Fonda
This week we honor classic beauty, Jane Fonda. This iconic leading lady of Hollywood has had a legendary career in Tinseltown. Belonging to a prestigious acting family, this starlet is the proud owner of not one, but two Academy Awards, has starred in well over 30 films, and is the queen of healt...
Editor's Picks: Kim West Shares Her Faves
The New Year has me in full fitness mode! This past week I've made it to the gym everyday, a feat in and of itself! But I couldn't have done it without my three trusty new gym beauty picks. Check 'me out below and let me know what you think.
New Year, New You: January Detox Tips From Nutritionist Expert Ilona Wesle
After the Christmas binge, January is a great time to give your body a clean and rest. Beauty4Media reports that psychologically it's the start of a fresh new year. Physically it follows a period of over-indulgence and probably an amount of unhealthy eating and drinking. So start the New Year by giv...
Editor's Picks: Kim West Shares Her Faves
Happy New Years Eve Beauty World Newsers! I am revving up for 2014 with all my new beauty buys, but I'm really into getting my hair into tip-top tresses shape. From hair supplements to oils, and a tried and true kitchen cabinet hair care treatments, I'm preparing for some healthy hair flipping this ...
New Year, New You: Tips From Experts For Hitting New Year's Fitness Resolutions For 2014
As Americans make New Year's resolutions to get in better shape for 2014, experts who train celebrities and top-ranked athletes offer some surprising tips for improving your health. Their advice includes exercising before getting out of bed, working out at your kitchen counter and soaking in Epsom s...
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