Perfect Body Or Perfect Smile? Study Reveals Consumers More likely To Spend Money On Dental Work Than Weight Loss

According to new research from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), consumers are more likely to spend money on a younger looking smile than on help with weight loss.

Celebrity Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Kevin Sands whose clients include Miley Cyrus, the Kardashians, Emma Stone, Robert Downey Jr., and so many more- agrees that a smile can make all the difference in one's appearance. These findings make perfect sense to the expert for a few key reasons, which he was happy to share with us:

1. Dr. Sands agrees that first impressions are lasting impressions. "Since the smile is one of the first things people notice about another person, making a small improvement, such as teeth whitening or bonding a chipped tooth, can significantly make someone appear more youthful," he explained. "Friends may notice that something about you has improved, but they may not be able to determine just what it is."

2. Who doesn't want to look younger? A subtle change to a smile can take years off a person's appearance. "Replacing missing teeth with dental implants literally makes the face appear more youthful," Dr. Sands said. "When missing teeth are not replaced, the patient is very likely to experience facial bone loss as time progresses. This can alter the shape of the face, making the jaw appear smaller. Not only do they fill in missing teeth, but dental implants actually prevent bone loss because of the way they are installed."

3. And a fact that sometimes isn't always pointed out, losing weight can sometimes age our appearance. "Although we would not discourage healthy weight loss, losing weight can actually make one appear older," Dr. Sands explained. "When volume is lost, those who have poor skin elasticity will develop more wrinkles, especially on the face. A recent study comparing twins of different weights showed that the thinner twin almost always appeared older than the heavier twin. Spending money on weight loss tools or programs may help you become physically healthier, but they should not be your first choice if looking younger is your goal."

Dr. Sands stressed that maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile is a worthwhile investment. "Invisalign® is a particularly great treatment to correct crooked teeth since the straightening trays are virtually undetectable. Porcelain veneers can also correct crooked teeth, as well as broken, cracked, or chipped teeth."

What's your take? Perfect Body or Perfect Smile? Sound off with a note below!