How To Regrow Hair With Great Results!

(Photo: Daniel Apodaca / Unsplash)
Rogaine, anyone? Here's how to regrow hair with great results!

Are you noticing a nest of hair in the bathroom drain every time you shower? Losing a certain amount of hair daily is considered a regular thing. The normal range is about 50 to 100 strands. If you think you're losing more than this, it may be a cause for concern and it's important to let your doctor know.

There are multiple reasons for hair loss, but it can also be a symptom of an underlying condition. For example, many people are not aware that they may have thyroid or hormonal issues. The sooner you consult a doctor, the better. For women, stress can be a huge factor. If you're going through a rough patch (like a life-threatening virus), all that hair shedding can eventually be reversed once you focus on your mental and physical health.

The most common type of hair loss is male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. It's hereditary and usually happens gradually as people get older. You will notice a receding hairline, hair loss and even bald spots. For men, as soon as you notice thinning, Men's Journal consultant Dr. Robert Finney suggests skipping denial and seeking treatment right away. The best chance to regrow hair is early intervention.

Also read: How To Prevent Hair Loss

Here are the best methods to regrow hair as suggested by MJ expert consultants:


Commonly known as Propecia, finasteride curbs the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which gradually suffocates and shrinks hair follicles resulting in thinning and falling hair. It's simple and safe for men and studies have shown that it reduces the chance of getting prostate cancer.


Most know it as Rogaine and its readily available in pharmacies. Minoxidil stimulates blood circulation to hair follicles which then fattens the hair shaft and strengthens the follicle. This topical solution usually comes in the form of a shampoo or foam and typically used twice a day. Finasteride and Minoxidil are commonly combined for male patients while women are prescribed Women's Rogaine.


Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) injections have grown in popularity in the last few years. A patient's own blood is extracted and then the plasma is separated to be injected back into the scalp. The active growth factors in plasma stimulates inactive or weak hair follicles. Studies show that 75 percent of men have reported significant hair growth. This also works just as well for women, too. It's quite expensive and most doctors recommend four succeeding monthly treatments then a yearly touch up. With that high success rate though, people are only glad to shell out for it.

Hair Transplant

When all else fails and you're not willing to go bald or wear a wig, you may want to consider a transplant. Talk to your doctor and find out what your options are. What usually happens is hair is extracted from the sides and back of your head and is transplanted in the areas where thinning occurs. It takes four to six months to see results to you'll have to be patient. You'll also need to save up as it will cost you somewhere between $5K to $10K.

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