Summer Hair Care: How To Protect Locks From Chlorine Damage

While swimming may be fun this summer, it is also important to know how to take care of the hair, especially as it can get damaged from chlorine.

Summer is here, which means pool parties are nonstop. However, it's not a reason to jeopardize one's hair, and while chlorine greatly does its job of cleaning the pool, the same cannot be said on its effects on the locks.

Chlorine in pools make the hair super dry and brittle, and sometimes, it makes light shades of hair turn green. There are ways to protect the mane, so there's no need to worry about taking a dip ever again.

Of course, one can opt to wear a swimming cap, albeit, for Instagram purposes, this idea is already out of the window. It is used to keep the hair away from the face, so basically, if one's looking for the picture-perfect hairstyle at the pool, it's hard to pull this look off.

Protecting The Hair

First, rinse with fresh water before taking a plunge. The logic behind this is that one's hair will be saturated enough not to absorb too much-chlorinated water when swimming. Plus, this is a common pool etiquette as it washes away some unwanted elements from a person before using the pool, so basically, it's for everyone's welfare, too.

One can also opt to try treatment products to use before swimming. What it does is that it helps coat and condition the hair, kind of like a shield against chlorine. Those who frequent the pool, such as the athletes, have been using pre-dipping products like this.

An example of which is the Philip Kingsley Swim Cap, and no, it's not actually a cap, but rather acts like one. It was created after the U. S. Olympic Synchronized Swimming Team requested for it, and it is perfect to keep the hair moisturized.

Coconut oil can be used as a substitute to pre-swim treatments. Not only does it do great wonders for the skin, it can also help keep the hair safe. Apply this at the ends of the hair before showering.

What one does after swimming is as important as the preparations before diving in the pool. Needless to say, take a shower again to just wash away the chlorinated water from the hair and the entire body. It is essential not to let the pool water sit too long on the hair, so it is suggested that rinsing should happen immediately after swimming.

Then, to rehydrate the hair, use a leave-in conditioner. This will greatly help in restoring the moisture and shine of the locks. Better yet, look for one that has SPF for under-the-sun sunbathing.