Halima Aden's Modeling Contract States That She Wears Her Hijab

Halima Aden, who made waves for walking runways in hijab, made sure she's showing her talent comfortably by not conforming into any standards in the modeling industry.

The 20-year-old Somali-American model is making her own name in the industry and she's obviously not letting the glamour reshape her into somebody else. For those sleeping under the rock, Aden was a semi-finalist in Miss Minnesota pageant and an IMG model, but while that doesn't sound unique about her, what made her stand out from the pack of beautiful women in the industry is that she had shown her firm stance in wearing a hijab.

She had worn the head cover when she graced runways in New York and Milan as well, so fashion who's who have been keeping an eye of this principled yet graceful and talented model. Aden also assured everyone that her beliefs aren't going anywhere when she signed as a model for the renowned management, whose talents include Ashley Graham, Cara Delevingne, and Alessandra Ambrosio.

IMG Contract-signing

"Our first-ever sit-down was four hours, and I did it on my own terms. Every time I go on set, I know that the people who are doing the shoot already know my requirements," she said of the contract.

As IMG had already approved of her condition of wearing a hijab no matter what, Aden said she felt secured with how the management has made sure she was safe and how people have been understanding of her. She is July's cover girl for Teen Vogue because why not.

She has excelled in her chosen field without having to adhere to anyone's standards and instead upheld her beliefs while continuing to wow onlookers. Aden is also a UNICEF ambassador, and recently, she went to Kenya with the magazine to look back on the refugee camp she used to live in.

While she grew up in a refugee camp, this gorgeous model said she had no qualms or complaints as she knew that her mother had done the best for her and her siblings to feel as comfortable as others in the location. It was also her mom, who early on made clear that she needs to accept other cultures, who Aden credits as the reason for how she is today.

UNICEF Ambassador

Other magazines she had graced were Allure, Glamour, and Vogue Arabia more than many others. While this may sound like she's living the dream, what Aden touts as her greatest achievement is being an ambassador for UNICEF.

"When I told her that news, it was like the first time in my modeling career that she was really, truly proud of me," Aden said of how her mom reacted with the big news.