'The Walking Dead' Star Michael Cudlitz Talks Sex Scene Between Abraham And Christian Serratos' Rosita; Josh McDermitt Explains Why Eugene Is A Peeping Tom

In the recent episode of "The Walking Dead," titled "Self Help," Eugene (Josh McDermitt) confessed that he is not a scientist and he was just lying about knowing the cure for the zombie apocalypse so that total strangers would protect him. That scene was no doubt the biggest moment of the episode (at least for those who are not reading the comics), but another moment that probably caught the viewers by surprise was the sex scene between Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) and Rosita (Christian Serratos) with Eugene creepily watching them in the middle of their intimate encounter.

Though Cudlitz believes that Abraham loves Rosita, he thinks that it is not right to call that scene a love scene.

"I always call it the sex scene because there may be love in that relationship but there's no love during that scene," the 49-year-old actor told Entertainment Weekly. "That's just a sex scene, and that is what I feel would be going on in this world. There would be fighting and sex, and a lot of it."

"And I think the show needs more of it because that is one of the elements that actually brings in conflict," he continued. "It's a very primal thing. You hear about during wartime what soldiers do and what they do in war torn areas. When tragic things happen, that's when people come together for that type of comfort. It's a base animal need."

When asked by The Hollywood Reporter why he thinks Abraham let Eugene watch him and Rosita having sex, the "Southland" alum said that it is "totally an alpha-male thing."

"I can't personally identify with that, but it's a bit of a fratboy thing: 'F- it, you want to watch me f-? Watch me f-!'" Cudlitz explained. "I don't think Abraham cares who is watching. He tells Glenn (Steven Yeun), 'I need some ass!' He could have said he was going to get some sleep. He just doesn't care."

In the comics Eugene has feelings Rosita, but McDermitt told THR that his character is just "girl crazy."

"Anytime a girl is around, he's... wanting to touch her skin or any number of creepy things because he's never had that before," McDermitt explained. "His justification is that he sees it as a victimless crime that provides distraction and comfort, and that's exactly what it is for him. As much as he wants to be with someone like Rosita in that hot, passionate and sexual moment, he probably wants to be Abraham just as much."

In an interview with TV Guide, the 36-year-old actor said that it was a fun filming the scene. "It's just cool to see moments from the comics come to life on television and that's so creepy and awesome for that character," he said. "I absolutely loved it and it was such a fun scene to shoot with aftermath of getting caught by Tara and that sort of thing. It was so fun. It was such a great, great scene."