Study Says Smartphone Addiction Causing Trouble Sleeping Nationwide

We all know how important sleep is, and yet so many of us aren't getting enough of it!

New research from the Center for Disease Control reveals that this is causing a major sleep epidemic in the US.

The study goes on to explain what's making us all toss and turn at night. Sleep insufficiency is believed to be caused by two main things effecting us all -- round-the-clock access to technology and work schedules.

This fight for a decent night's sleep is real, with approximately 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorders.

20% of us suffer from excessive sleepiness according to the National Sleep Foundation. This public health epidemic can pose a serious health hazard, effecting our ability to concentrate, exercise good judgment, and even effects our waistlines.

Dr. David Rappaport is the Director of NYU's Sleep Disorder Program. He says sleep deprivation carries a steep price when it comes to our health.
"The point is sleep effects everything. Every system in the body, every organ in the body," he said.

What's more is the new digital age is definitely not helping us to relax and breath easier. In fact, all our must-have devices are making it that much more difficult to fall asleep, mainly because we can't put them down! Smartphone addiction is effecting our sleep!

Professor Anne Mooney, Assistant Professor of Medicine at NYU agrees. "We are walking around with all these electronic devices, getting all this extra bright light exposure that we did not evolve with," she explained to FOX News.

Turns out the blue glow from our phones is tricking our brains. "It was a significant impact on our brains melatonin secretion patterns which then regulate our circadian rhythm and ability to fall asleep."

So just how to do you get that much needed beauty sleep? Try to get those precious 8 hours by:

- Going to bed at the same time each night and rise at the same time each morning.
- Avoiding large meals before bedtime
- Avoiding caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime
- Avoiding nicotine

Do you suffer from lack of sleep? Tell us with a note below.