Buyer Beware: Rise In Women Getting Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Triggers Increase In Botched Before & After Results

A recent survey conducted by, found that 1 in 5 women are actively and strongly pursuing plastic surgery. 

This stat isn't so disturbing on its own, but with so many women looking toward elective cosmetic procedures, it is important they know what to ask your surgeon before going under the knife. 

An NBC news report revealed that medical professionals nationwide have taken notice of the increase in women seeking cosmetic procedures, are many are eager to get in on the multi-million dollar business.

A growing number of family practioners, gynecologists and even dentists are taking weekend courses so that they can expand their practice to include cosmetic procedures. But is a handful of weekend workshops enough? Licensed dermatologists say no.

"You don't learn this in a weekend," said Dr. Jerome Potozkin. The skin expert warned women everywhere, as true dermatologists must undergo three years of intense training after finishing medical school. 

Dr. John Martin, a Miami-based cosmetic and plastic surgeon agrees. The medical pro spoke with us and listed out the top five things anyone planning to get a procedure should ask in a consultation.

These questions provide realistic expectations, help avoid "botched" or illegal procedures, and guarantee the best results from the procedure: 

- Check credentials, ask about their experience, how long they have been practicing, where they went to medical school. Do not be embarrassed to ask these questions, it is extremely important to know if your doctor is legitimate and not practicing with a fake license.

- Prioritize what bothers you the most and ask your doctor to explain to you the benefits and projected results. 

- Ask about the differences/benefits of surgery vs. non-surgical rejuvenation and what they suggest for what you want to achieve.

- Be upfront about your budget and ask what can be done within it.

- And of course, ask about what downtime is required for the procedure.

This article was originally published on