Victoria Secret Angel Plastic Surgery: Expert Physician Talks About Women Who Want to Look Like VS Angels Part 2

Who doesn't tune into the annual Victoria Secret Fashion Show and sometimes wish they had the bod or the looks of the famous supermodels strutting the runway. 

Many women come into Dr. Karlinsky's office aiming to look like the models above. "All the procedures we have available to us in the aesthetic industry are designed to help us improve the way we look, not to change who we are," Karlinsky said.

Check out what the expert had to say about women aspiring to achieve VS angel-worthy looks by going under the knife. If you missed Part One, click here:

Dr. Karlinksy, do the results leave patients feeling like they look like a VS angel?

My patients are happy with the results that they get because they look and feel better about themselves, not because they look like someone else.

How do you manage expectations about the results?

I am always very honest and upfront with my patients.  I never over-promise the results.  I make sure, through our discussions, that I understand what their goals are and that those goals are realistic.  I take my time to discuss the procedures in great detail with my patients so that they understand the potential risks, complications, recovery period and what to expect after surgery. 

What makes the VS angels an ideal look for some of your patients?

Who would not want to look like one of the VS angels?  All of these women are tall, slender and beautiful.  I know I would, however, as I mentioned above, I have never had my patients come in and tell me that they want to look like the VS angel.  I guess I am blessed with reasonable, intelligent patients, who seek self-improvement with realistic expectations.   

Is making these supermodels your plastic surgery goal as a patient healthy or dangerous? 

I would never allow my patients to set such goals because they are unrealistic and make no sense.

Any additional tips and tricks for potential patients?

Don't try to change who you are, strive only for self-improvement.