Microsoft’s RoomAlive Turns Room Into Gaming Environment

Microsoft's latest creation, dubbed as RoomAlive, can turn any type of room into an immersive gaming environment, Tech Times reported.

RoomAlive, which is based on the company's IllumiRoom project, uses projectors and cameras to transform the appearance of rooms.

Unlike other video game consoles, RoomAlive doesn't need to be connected to a television set.

Following the concept of projection mapping, several projector-cameras are set up in different parts of the room. These special types of devices contain sensors that automatically calculate the 3D geometry of the room's features.

Once the room has been calibrated, the projector and Microsoft's sensing motion input device known as Kinect displays moving images on the walls, floor or ceiling of the room.

Using a special controller, gamers can start playing by touching, stomping or shooting the projected images around them.

According to Microsoft, the aim of RoomAlive is to deliver a truly unique and immersive experience to gamers by creating an interactive room.

For now, RoomAlive is just a prototype but the members of the development team behind it said they are hoping to add more features to the project in the near future, according to Game Spot.

"In the future we will explore approaches and experiences that involve multiple users and multi-user viewpoint rendering," the team mentioned. We will explore new ways to increase immersion with specialized sound."

"RoomAlive provides a glimpse of how a scalable multi-projector system can transform any room into an immersive augmented gaming experience," they added. "Many new and exciting possibilities remain to be explored."

Through the projection mapping technology used in RoomAlive, developers can design games that are compatible to various shapes and sizes of rooms, The Verge reported.

"There's still lots to explore with RoomAlive as a gaming platform," a spokesperson for Microsoft's research division said. "We envision a future where gamers can use physical objects as part of the game."