Ellie Goulding has made quite a name for herself with her hit songs, unique voice and rocking performances which include venues like the White House and Buckingham Palace for the Royal Wedding not to mention her presence on the "Divergent" soundtrack.

It's no wonder that the rising British pop star landed in the May issue of Cosmopolitan. The magazine sat down with the voice behind hits like "Lights" and "Burn" to chat about her experience with fame and what she has learned from it. When asked if she always wanted to be a singer she gave an honest answer.

The "I Need Your Love" singer said, "No, I wanted to be an actress, which is weird because I come from an absolute non-performing-arts family. My mom worked in a supermarket, and my stepdad drove a truck. I've met a lot of American families who are very encouraging and supportive.

"But my mom was busy thinking about how she was going to afford to pay for everything from rent to school to dinner. Supporting something unrealistic just didn't happen."

Fast forward to fame and fortunate, Ellie Goulding made a successful album that coincidentally dealt with a break up. Following the heartbreaking lesson she admitted that she did learn from the experience.

The "Beating Heart" songstress explained that she leaned "To be in the present moment. A lot of the despair in breaking up with someone is thinking about how you're going to cope in the future. 'What's going to happen to me? Who am I going to find next? What am I going to do without him?'

"But not being completely present prevents you from being happy and alive. As soon as you stop relying so heavily on what happened in the past, you end up being able to deal."

Despite her realization the "Anything Can Happen" artist revealed that she does have relationship regrets. The blonde beauty admitted, "I [used to] put men on a pedestal. They'd be everything. I decided to remedy that, and that's why I'm single now.

"I've realized I don't need a guy. I've got amazing, awesome, stupid friends in the best way possible. I don't rely on a guy for anything."

Looking back on her accomplishment by performing for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Ellie Goulding reflected on her royal wedding gig.

She said, "It was the first time I'd done something so completely otherworldly. It's not an everyday occurrence. It really made me have extreme gratitude for what I did, how I'd gotten there, and the people around me."

The May issue of Cosmopolitan magazine is available on iTunes.