Although he is now suffering from a broken jaw, prior to his injury Zac Efron who unfortunately wasn't shirtless posed for the movie poster of his upcoming film "That Awkward Moment."

According to People, in the movie about the trials and tribulations of dating, Efron is featured on the poster holding a cat with a shocked expression on his face.

Attached to the movie poster is the caption, "That awkward moment when you realize you're attached to her kitty."

Meanwhile, his costar Imogen Poots' poster displays the blonde holding a cell phone with a mortified look on her face. The caption reads, "That awkward moment when you accidentally sext your mom."

Even though the film is called that awkward moment the actor admitted there were plenty of those times on set including his embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.

During an October press event promoting the romantic comedy Zac Efron revealed to reporters, "There was a sock thing. It fell off," adding, "You just cup your hands."

However, when it comes to life off of the set the actor likes to avoid awkward run-ins. He even has a idea of his perfect girl. He explained, "I think someone that's creative and smart, self-confident," adding, "A nice smile - that's a good thing to have."

Even though he tries to stay away from cheesy pick-up lines his costar Michael B. Jordan had a great one for him.

He said all Efron has to say to land a girl is, "Have you guys seen High School Musical?"

Jordan added, "That works."

What do you think of Zac Efron's movie poster? Are you excited to see "That Awkward Moment?" Le t us know in the comment section below.