Actress Elizabeth Banks sat down with Women's Health and discussed her healthy eating habits.  Banks, who plays Effie Trinket in the "Hunger Games: Catching Fire," said eating healthy is pretty simple.

"People ask me how I stay thin, and I'm like 'When you go to the grocery store, buy more bananas than cookies,'" said Banks.

That isn't to say she doesn't eat sweets though.  

"[The freezer] is where my Girl Scout cookies are," she shared, adding that keeping them there allows her to forget about them - instead of eating them, according to People.

The "Walk of Shame" Star also says when she has to prepare for a role, she tries to emilinate white foods.

"It's essentially a gluten-free diet: no rice, no bread, no pasta," Banks said. "I'll eat tons of protein and veggies. Also, I just drink water and tea ... and alcohol."  

The real trick for her is portion control, she admitted it is somewhat difficult.

"Portion control is a real problem," Banks said. "My husband and I always split one appetizer and one entree. I'm sure waiters hate us."

Banks also said one of her favorite things to splurge on is meatloaf.

"Who doesn't love meatloaf?" she muses. "My father always made an amazing meatloaf, and I've inherited his skill. Leftover meatloaf in a sandwich? Come on!" 

It sounds like the key according to her and many celebs is a healthy balance.  Mix the good (like protein and veggies), with just a little treat (like alcohol).

"Hunger Games: Catching Fire" is slated to hit theaters November 22, 2013.