It is the penis that everyone cannot seem to stopping talking about. NASA's high-tech Mars Rover's purpose is to explorer the planet for signs of life however it was discovered that the rover's track patterns resembled something human.

The picture of the penis drawn by the Mars Rover was initially posted on NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory site however it went viral after being posted on Reddit's r/funny subreddit page on Tuesday according to the Huffington Post.

"The location is within the transition from the relatively smooth plains to the more rocky and rugged blanket of material ejected from Bonneville by the force of the impact that dug the crater.

According to the Huffington Post UK NASA's website received so much traffic on its site due to the popularity of the penis picture the website crashed.

The Mars Rover is controlled by a team of NASA engineers who send two sets of instructions to the exploratory craft each day. According to the Daily Mail UK the Curiosity rover often turns in tight circles or performs unusual movements as engineers test their systems or change directions.

It is alleged that image was a joke among the engineers but it has since been uncovered following the posting of the image to the official NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory page.

To check out the picture check out