We change outfits at least once a day, and our towels and sheets every other day. But what about our makeup sponges. Oops! We don't want to apply a breeding ground of bacteria on our faces, do we?
Our Beauty Blenders get used every single day, and it sits there on your vanity drawer moist and inviting bacteria to build a home in it along with oils and grime from our faces.
Spare yourself from buying a new one now. All you need to do is to clean your beauty blender ... the right way.
There's a beauty blender washing machine that stirred up quite a buzz on social media, all thanks to YouTube vlogger Tiffany Lynette Davis. Nonetheless, that's just a toy.
Don't even try it because it's not recommended for daily use even by the vlogger herself, who was only having a fun experiment.
Clean it good, everyday
If you've just bought your Beauty Blender, chances are you've been introduced to their Beauty Blender cleaners and soaps. We love Liquid Blendercleanser and Blendercleanser Solid, but you can also learn how to clean your beauty blender without spending that much!
First, you need to know how to use beauty blender the right way: Wet it and squeeze it out in a paper towel. After that, apply it on your face in a patting motion instead of sweeping or wiping.
Pro Tip: Use the pointed part of your Beauty Blender when blending around the eyes and nose.
Now, it's time to learn how to clean beauty blender the right way: Wash after EVERY use.
This is ideal and cost-effective, too!
Your Beauty Blender comes into direct contact with your face and even after washing your face, there will always still be some dirt on it. You really have to make an effort to wash after every use. For most times, soap and water will do.
Now, THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP: Dry it completely.
Don't put in a box, in your makeup bag or inside your drawer. Tip: Lay it on top of the Beauty Blender jar that comes with the sponge you bought and let it air-dry there.
What else can you do?
Other fans of the Beauty Blender have also come up with their ways of cleaning a Beauty Blender. Here are some you can try:
Microwave your sponge: This works best to make a Beauty Blender look like new again. Just put it in a half-cup of water with some liquid detergent and microwave for one minute. Don't take it out right away, but let the water cool first. Then, squeeze the water out and air-dry.
Clean with your makeup remover: If it can remove the makeup on your face, it can remove makeup on your sponge too! If you don't want to shell out money on Beauty Blender-branded cleaners, your makeup remover will work just as fine.
Wash with baby shampoo: Here's a more gentle approach to clean your baby er, Beauty Blender. Follow the same step of microwaving with dishwashing soap and water. Just stick to the one minute microwave sesh, OK?
Use an anti-bacterial cleanser: We love olive oil to deep clean our Beauty Blender and to give it some anti-bacterial rinsing. Just dip it in a formula of olive oil with soap and water then run it under hot water, squeeze the water out, and let it dry completeley.
Make sure to take a look at your Beauty Blender today, and if it's not as clean as you hope, you know what to do!