No surprise here! Charlie Sheen ran to Taco Bell last night for an intoxicated, late-night snack, and told fans he was "f***ing hammered." We can't lie, it's pretty funny!

The "Anger Management" star shook hands with fans in their car, and even admired their tattoos. We know Sheen enjoys greeting fans, which he spoke openly about this year after an incident with Rihanna.

Fans taped the incident and TMZ obtained the footage.

"So, I took my gal out to dinner last night with her best friends for her Bday. we heard Rihanna was present as well. I sent a request over to her table to introduce my fiancé Scotty to her, as she is a
huge fan. (personally I couldn't pick her out of a line-up at gunpoint) well, the word we received back was that there were too many paps outside and it just wasn't possible at this time. At this time? AT THIS TIME?? lemme guess, we're to reschedule another random 11 million to 1 encounter with her some other night...?"

"no biggie for me; it would have been 84 interminable seconds of chugging Draino and
"please kill me now" that I'd never get back. My Gal, however, was NOT OK with it. Nice impression you left behind, Bday or not. Sorry we're not KOOL enough to warrant a blessing from the Princess. (or in this case the Village idiot) you see THIS is the reason that I ALWAYS take the time. THIS is why I'm in this thing 31 awesome years. Good will and common courtesy, carefully established over time to exist radically in concert with a code of gratitude!"

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