It looks likes there is going to be some major trouble in paradise in "Pretty Little Liars" season 5 episode 6 for Hanna but we can't say we are too broken up about it.

As we wait for Tuesday to roll around we have a major Haleb spoiler along with a sneak peek of next week's episode.

According to Wetpaint, Hanna has been under a lot of stress lately. Not only is she in the middle of a major identity crisis but she has also been thrown into the middle of a love triangle.

Caleb, who is the first love of her life has just returned to Rosewood and although he doesn't seem to be pressuring her to start dating him again, there is not denying their insane chemistry and love for one another.

Meanwhile, his return to town looks like it's going to cause some friction between Hanna and her current boyfriend, Travis.

In the "Run, Ali, Run" sneak peek clip we see Travis show up ready for his date with Hanna but unfortunately for our farm boy our pretty little blonde completely forgot about their plans.

in the sneak peek clip Travis says to Hanna, "I know we made those plans before you were drunk." Yes, she forgot their plans but Hanna is dealing with a lot, catering to Ali, Caleb's return after breaking her heart and let's not forget that "A" is back.

While Hanna is able to make amends by telling Travis that there's so much going on in her life right now things get awkward when she brings up Lucas' party. Hanna was on her phone all night and while Travis has no idea that Hanna was texting Caleb, we couldn't be happier.

With all the chaos going on it looks like things are only going to get more complicated for this couple and while we know Travis is a nice guy and saved Hanna's mom from spending time and prison we couldn't be more thrilled that Caleb is back.