Frances Bean Cobain was not happy that Lana Del Rey "glamorized" dying young, especially since her father Kurt Cobain (and one of Rey's idols) passed away at the young age of 27. To refresh your memory, here is what Frances had to say about Rey's comments:

"The death of young musicians isn't something to romanticize," Cobain wrote on Twitter, mentioning Rey in her tweets.

"I'll never know my father because he died young & it becomes a desirable feat because ppl like you think it's 'cool.'"

"Well, it's f**king not. Embrace life, because u only get one life. The ppl u mentioned wasted that life. Don't be 1 of those ppl," she continued.

Cobain then explained she was not attacking Rey, and was just trying to explain her perspective on the situation.

"I told her not to waste her life. How is that attacking. I literally said embrace this life because you only get 1," she wrote.

"You're too talented to waste it away."

She concluded with, "I'm not attacking anyone. I have no animosity towards Lana, I was just trying to put things in perspective from personal experience."

Rey defended herself in her own series of tweets, which have since been deleted.

"It's all good," she said to Bean on Twitter. "He [the interviewer] was asking me a lot about your dad."

"I said I liked him because he was talented not because he died young."

"The other half of what I said wasn't really related to the people he mentioned."

"I don't find that part of music glam either."

"I regret trusting the guardian- i didn't want to do an interview but the journalist was persistent."

"Alexis [Petridis, the newspaper's music critic] was masked as a fan but was hiding sinister ambitions and angles. Maybe he's actually the boring one looking for something interesting to write about.

"His leading questions about death and persona were calculated."

We hope these two can put this behind him, and Rey doesn't make any more of those comments! Do you agree? Sound off in the comments section below.