Kit Harington's Jon Snow Dating Girlfriend Emilia Clarke's Daenerys Targaryen: 'Games of Thrones' Season 4 Cast Previews Spoilers of Finale and New Romance as Season 5 Starts Filming Summer 2014

It looks like Kit Harington isn't opposed to dating his "Game of Thrones" season 4 costar Emilia Clarke. Of course this romance would only be for the sake of the show with the relationship being between the two cast members' characters Jon Snow and Darnerys Targaryen.

According to E! News, although the characters have never met, fans have begun to ship the two together in hopes that their requests become heard andl that the two will ultimately get together and rule from the Iron Throne when the war in Westeros comes to an end.

Apparently upon hearing the news, Kit Harington was all for his character dating the Khaleesi. He admitted that he thought the idea is "wonderful!"

While attending the New York City screening of his highly anticipated new animated movie, "How to Train Your Dragon 2," the actor said, "I find it wonderful that people root for anyone."

He added, "I think it's great in the show pick their favorites and want that person to win, and it's wonderful to be involved in that and be one of the people that people think should be on the throne at the end."

Speaking of the end, Kit Harington previously said that he didn't know whether or not he would be out of a job by the season 4 finale but it looks like Jon Snow will be back for season 5. The actor said, "I go off and start filming in late July for Thrones' season five."

However, fans should still be worried as Harington hinted that this does not mean his character is in the clear.

The hot actor teased a spoiler for Sunday night's episode and said, it is "going to be a bit of an impact episode."

The "Game of Thrones" season 4 finale airs on Sunday at 9 p.m. on HBO.

Which characters would you like to see get together? Let us know in the comment section below.