28 Days to Younger Skin: The Diet Program for Beautiful Skin This Summer

Looking for a beauty boost? This one takes 28 days and promises more beautiful skin.

Why 28 days? Because according to Karen Fisher, award-winning author, former model, and nutritionist, it takes that long for your body to produce new cells in the deeper skin layers and for them to travel to the surface of your skin - so it's literally the beginning of a new you by day 28.

Karen's book 28 Days to Younger Skin is a fast-track program designed for people who have a special occasion coming up, perfect for wedding season.

"The program is designed to boost metabolism and supply all the nutrients needed for skin repair, renewal and maintenance," Fisher explained. "It can also improve your energy and feelings of well-being, and it's healthy for the whole body."

This 28-day skin program can be used to complement your current beauty regime or, if you are having a cosmetic procedure, you can use this program to supply the nutrients in your diet needed to speed up your recovery and enhance the results. 

"It also takes about 21 days to form new habits, so by the end of the program you might automatically continue some of your healthy new routine," Fisher explained.  

Keep in mind that 28 days is a very short period of time and this program is designed to work fast, so you will have to do some work every day during the 28 days. But Fisher says the results will be worth it.  Karen believes that the skin's appearance is one of the main indicators of overall health.  We agree!

Click here to learn more about Fisher's book.