Facial Gymnastics: How To Exercise Your Face To Fight Wrinkles & Aging

Did you know that more than 50 muscles make up the structure of your face, and that their fitness can have a profound effect on its appearance?

Turns out you can tone your facial muscles just as you tone the other muscles in your body. Facial exercises can have a significant impact on how you age and may even eliminate the need for plastic surgery.

Catherine Pez is an ardent believer in natural beauty and has taught her facial gymnastics method for many years. She knows that muscles have a significant role in the architecture of the body as well as the face. 

"Facial gymnastics, if done on a regular basis, can treat a variety of concerns, from "empty"-looking cheekbones, jowls and relaxed eyelids to wrinkles and impaired elasticity," Pez explained. "Imagine a facial gym that uses only the muscles you have on your face."

Ladies, in just 5 minutes a day, you can actually combat the effects of aging! Remember too much sun, smoking, degradation of collagen layers, and poor skin care, all contribute to sagging facial muscles.

So what do you need? No special equipment or location is required - just some diligence and perseverance. "The smile works more than 25 facial muscles. So smile! The small but important risorius muscle is found in the corner of your mouth and, if well stimulated, can correct a drooping mouth," Pez told us.

Facial gymnastics also stimulates the muscles mid-face, thereby inflating your cheeks. And nothing is more fresh and youthful-looking as well-accentuated cheekbones.  

Catherine has successfully developed a method in order to exercise facial muscles and maintain the tonicity of the entire visage. In her new book The Five Minute Facial Workout, she explains that the muscles underneath the skin of the face have a real effect on its firmness.

Monday, look out for tips on how to actually exercise your face, courtesy of Pez's facial expertise!