"Cinderella" Plastic Foot Surgery Is No Fairytale: Dr. Dr. Peter Geldner Explains The Dangers

OK so we're no stranger to learning about new cosmetic surgeries and innovations, but this one threw us for a loop!

Who doesn't love Cinderella and remember the princess tale fondly from childhood? Well evidently some women are looking to the Disney cartoon to make a few permanent alterations so they can fit that glass slipper as well.

This new procedure affectionately called the "Cinderella Surgery" is actually foot altering surgery. We had to get an expert to weigh in on this one!

"Foot altering surgery is any type of elective procedure that changes the shape or curvature of the feet," Dr. Peter Geldner, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon told us. "This may include shaving off bone to give off the appearance of shorter toes or increasing the arch of one's foot so high heels are more comfortable for longer periods of time."

It appears these procedures started in Beverly Hills and stemmed from women wanting their feet to better fit in stilettos and other fashionable shoes.  Women who are advocates of this procedure have stated that it has given them increased confidence because they are able to wear the high-heeled shoes they want. 

But despite the craze, Dr. Geldner doesn't recommend this surgery for anyone. "Many of these cosmetic foot procedures are more Frankenstein than fairy tale," Geldner explained. "The shortening and lengthening of the toe bones can cause complications such as arthritic pain down the road."

So what are the potential risks involved? Any shaping of the bones in the feet will be subject to swelling and bruising as with any surgical procedure. But our expert said feet are even more susceptible. "Foot procedures are especially difficult because patients must stay off of their feet for days until everything has healed and patients do not always have the patience to do so."

"Toes help with supporting weight and balancing the body during movement. Opting for surgery due to cosmetic reasons can throw off that balance and will redistribute the weight. This may lead to arthritic problems in the future."

Despite the Frankenstein comment, Dr. Geldner says the surgery leaves feet with no visible scars. "I am sure many patients that go on to have 'normal' looking feet, but the arthritic pain they may be subject to as they age may not be worth it."

So what does the physician advise women to do who are considering the Cinderella surgery? "If I had a patient come to me with a specific pair of shoes in mind with the request for surgery to make the shoe fit, I'd suggest opting for a new pair of shoes!"

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