Pills to Make You Pretty: What Celebrities take from “The Hollywood Pill Doctor”

Every wonder what natural supplements celebrities take to help them get glowing skin or thicker hair? International Beauty Nutritionist and Nutricosmetics Formulator, Paula Simpson, a.k.a., "The Hollywood Pill Doctor," has uncovered what healthy supplements celebrities take to help them beautify from the inside out. Entertainment Tonight says that some of her reported clients include Lady Gaga, Kristen Stewart and Jessica Biel! Check out our interview with Paula to learn how these natural can help fend off aging, block UV rays, slim you down and help with detoxing to maintain healthy skin.

So Paula, what are nutricosmetics? 

Typically, nutricosmetics are naturally derived dietary, marine or botanical based formulations (in pill, food or beverage form) that are developed to support the health of ones outer appearance (skin, hair, nails, body contouring). In bringing wellness to beauty, they work to complement ones lifestyle to promote a healthy rate of aging.

Is it true that these pills can really help in the fight against aging? 

Formulas generally contain specific antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory ingredients in concentrated doses, that when taken orally, may help ward off stressors (such as chronic sun exposure, dietary and environmental pollutants) that can accelerate the skin aging process (epidermal thinning, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles).

What makes these supplements so effective? 

When developed properly, these products can help renew skin's vitality by neutralizing byproducts/mediators that may permanently damage the health and structural framework of the skin. Some of these benefits can include stimulating collagen and elastin production, promoting skin hydration/radiance or minimizing inflammatory skin conditions.

Anything to help keep the tummy flat and trim? 

Healthy bacteria such as probiotics have gained recent attention in their dual effect on gut and skin health (gut - skin axis). These healthy microorganisms support healthy gut microflora (a key component of the immune system,) to maximize the absorption of vital nutrients while destroying harmful byproducts/toxins before they are absorbed into the body. There is new clinical data showing these healthy bacteria may help in the management of irritated or inflammatory skin conditions (such as adult acne).

Where can we get nutricosmetics? 

There are different places you can purchase these types of products, from professionally endorsed online sites, medical spas, beauty retail or natural health outlets. Look for products that are professionally developed/endorsed or offer non-bias research behind the ingredients and formulations. Depending upon ones concern, different products will offer different benefits. Remember nutricosmetics will not replace the foundation of balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is really about "holistic beauty" both inside and out.

How often should we use them? How long does it take to see results? 

Most products work best when taken daily but this really depends on the type of product. Some products may offer more ingredients or proprietary blends (which typically are lower in doses and may take longer to see any effects), or one product may offer fewer ingredients at therapeutic dosages. I advise most clients that they should start seeing improvements at about 4 to 8 weeks (which work along with skin cell turnover cycles).  And unlike topical skincare that works acutely on the area treated, oral nutricosmetics work to promote skin health throughout the body (such as dry areas like the elbows).

Thanks Paula!

What nutricosmetics would you like to try? Let us know with a note!