Plastic Surgery Before and After Recession: Hispanic Population Increases Amount of Cosmetic Procedures Following Economic Downturn

Although there has been a rise in the amount of plastic surgeries over the years Dr. Rolando Morales, a doctor at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) reported that their has been a significant increase of Hispanic patients going under the knife.

According to a report published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, plastic surgery is apparently on the rise in every ethnic group, except whites.

The report revealed that that the largest increase was Hispanics, with an 18 percent increase nationwide with Dr. Morales noticing that his own patients opt for cosmetic procedures has increased as well.

He admitted, "I have noticed an increase in the number of Hispanics that come in for plastic surgery," adding, "Many of them are looking for minor changes, such as lip augmentation. I think it is a sign that the Hispanic community is economically stronger than most expected."

The rise in the use of plastic surgery by diverse ethnicities may indicate the strength of those groups' economic positions.

The report was revealed shortly after the most recent economic downturn which in turn concluded that the Hispanic community may not have experienced the recession to the same extent of the rest of the population.

Dr. Morales said, "The Houston economy has weathered the national recession better than the rest of the nation. The Hispanic ethnicity is the dominant ethnicity in Houston, and this is reflected in my practice.

"I have seen a steady increase in Hispanics seeking nonsurgical cosmetic surgery. Facial injectables, such as fillers and toxins, are the most common nonsurgical procedures requested."

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