Beauty Tips: How to Fight Static Hair

When our strands succumb to static, isn't it a sad feeling that leads straight to a bad hair day?

There's only so much maintenance we can do to our mane when winter swoops in. The minute the temperature drops and the air becomes dry, negatively-charged electrons fly off your hair, taking with it every ounce of life. We are left to deal with positively charged limp locks that stick to our cheeks, blow away from our heads and ruin our day.

But we can stop the static. Here are the ultimate tips on transforming your thirsty tresses:

Don't use a plastic comb. Why? Natalie Romney, stylist at Tantrum Hair Salon in Mesa, Arizona explained the reason. "Switch to a natural bristle brush, and rubber or metal combs during the winter months and avoid plastic brushes or combs because they cause an electrical charge causing static. You can also spray an anti-static product like Alterna Winter RX Anti-Static Spray on your brush before brushing." 

Apply a small amount of moisturizer or hair serum over your ends. Since hair lotion can be heavy and leave you with a greasy mess if overused, a little goes a long way. Using a moisturizer such as La Coupe Orgnx Deep Moisturizing Treatment for $11 or Oribe Supershine Light Moisturizing Cream for $49 only on the bottoms of your strands will leave your hair soft and shiny. "Remember the biggest contributor to static hair is lack of moisture so remember to moisturize moisturize moisturize!!," said Natalie.

Try an ionic blow dryerUCSB Science Line recommends using this product because ordinary dryers produce static electricity. Having a dryer that emits ions or extra-charged particles in the air allows any built-up electric charge to be transferred through the air. "These special blow dryers supposedly emit negatively charged ions that attach themselves to the positively charged hair for a neutralizing effect," reported the Huffington Post. "The ionic molecules are also supposed to break down the water molecule rather than evaporate it, without stripping your hair of its moisture -- and the less dried out your hair, the less static." 

Try advises that just a tiny amount of their product applied before styling helps tremendously in fighting dry hair. Spray some into your palms or a brush, then smooth over hair. For those who don't like leave-in lotions, Static Guard can be used in place of them to increase the conductivity of your hair, prompting the positive charge to be neutralized.

Dryer sheets destroy the damage: Who knew dryer sheets slammed static? Used mainly for laundry, the sheets are formulated to discourage static electricity production when you put clothes in a dryer. In the same way, using the sheets decreases static on your hair. Take a sheet and glide it across your entire head to tackle pesky flyaways, or you can rub it on your brush like beauty guru, Michelle Phan. And for added benefit, the great thing about this tip is that you can rub a sheet on your pillow to fight morning static. 

Water works: When all else fails, it's H2O to the rescue! Water is one of the best ways to moisturize your dry-like-a-desert mane. Just spritz your hair lightly just enough so its damp to calm it down, recommended Natalie.

Trying these tips? Tell us with a note below!