The End of Crow's Feet? Elite Serum Rx Says Forget Fine Lines

The skin around the eyes is soooo delicate. We all know to customize our skin care around this sensitive area, but what happens when eye creams and using your light ring finger to rub in the hydrating formula just aren't cutting it. What to do about the fine lines makeup loves to fall into and the crow's feet that crank up every time you want to flash a smile? If you're thinking it's a lost cause, you just might be wrong. Meet the Elite Serum Rx by SkinPro.

SkinPro has become well known in the anti-aging industry for their scientific innovations in skin care technology. In their efforts to improve upon an best-selling eye treatment, this latest anti-aging advancement is said to be the most potent formula the brand has produced yet. SkinPro CEO, Timothy J. Schmidt, is ecstatic to debut the brands latest creation. "Countless hours of mixing formulas, importing raw materials, and consumer testing go into every product," Timothy said. "After listening to the needs and wants of our customers, we got the intuition that they wanted an extremely potent eye serum that felt more like an eye cream, and that was 100% oil-free. Elite Serum Rx delivers on all accounts." So what's in this stuff?

Now available exclusively at, Elite Serum Rx is rated extra strength for its high concentration of peptides. As skin ages and loses elasticity, it produces less and less collagen, causing those pesky lines we all want gone. Peptides work great as part of a skin care regime as they help to trick the skin into producing more collagen for a more youthful look. As an added boost to the formula, Elite Serum Rx mimics a rich eye cream's cocnsistency, while still maintaining the cosmetic properties of a completely oil-free serum. Talk about a jam-packed product!

And don't be alarmed by the needle-like appearance of this crow's feet fighter. Elite Serum Rx also features the first ever use of a new airless syringe with improved ergonomics for the most precise product dispensing and application. Try this innovative formula for $89.95.

Visit to check out some of the many other innovations created by this unique brand.

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