Take Note: Jennifer Lopez Launching New JLove Fragrance

Set to debut this October, Jennifer Lopez will reveal her new fragrance, JLove.

Can you believe this is JLo's 20th perfume?! Talk about a beauty mogul! Jenny from the block is a certified fragrance powerhouse!

Looking back, Lopez remarked on what led to her impressive fragrance collection.  ''When I did my first fragrance, Glow, I didn't really think much beyond making it the best, most beautiful fragrance ever created," she explained. "We did beautiful things with that fragrance, and I fell in love with the business.''

Jennifer's newest scent arrives just in time for fall at Kohl's stores nationwide next month. Ads for the fragrance campaign will feature Jennifer, of course. Fabulous at 44, the beauty will be seen in old Hollywood throwback shots, created by renowned photographer, Mario Testino.

The newest perfume to come from Lopez is all about fruit florals. Of the many scents comprising the fragrance, white raspberry, pink grapefruit, tangerine and pineapple are among the primary notes, which combine with water lily, vanilla sorbet, white wood and skin musk.

On her newest scent, Jennifer said to WWD.com: ''With number 20, it's a landmark. I asked myself, 'Who am I and what do I encompass?' My message has always been love, whether it's my music or my movies or whatever. It's such a big part of who I am. We decided to call it JLove for that very reason, because it encompasses everything about me in one simple little word.''

JLove will likely be priced at $39 and $49 for 1 and 1.7 fl. oz. bottles respectively.

What do you think of JLo's latest? Let us know with a comment below.