Love It or Leave It: Ciara Big, Wild Curls

Attention Beauty World Newsers: Ciara goes curly!

Yep, the sassy singer has taken a break from her sun-kissed short waves. CC is now rocking some big, wild curls in a few new Instagram photos. We love it, but we're not sure one comb alone can tame this style!

It's not the type of 'do that makes short work of styling, so women on the go might want to pump the brakes on this one. But our free-spirited ladies who are never tied down by a clock can get into this one. Thanks CC for leading the way to colossal curls!

It's no secret that the star likes to switch it up, making it hard for us to keep up. Her peroxide, permed, poufed power locks are just as cool as her dance moves. 

Caught up on her coiffure? Loving or leaving her hair party? Tell us in the comments section below!