Try the Trend: Rice Bran and Asian Nightingale Feces Facial

Okay feces on the face: Disgusting. But so many people are getting down with bird poop and Rice Bran facials. Though we hear it works fab wonders, this is rated R for repulsiveness!

It may be nasty, but women are raving about the results. For $180, the traditional facial, comprised of an Asian Nightingale's waste, is a top choice at Shizuka New York spa. Celeb facialist, Shizuka Bernstein, reports about 100 ladies "face" the Geisha facial in the hopes of achieving younger-looking skin. Apparently, the bird poop treatment has Uguisu No Fun a.k.a. powdered nightingale droppings, plus a variety of other exfoliating properties that promise to soften, brighten and nourish your complexion.

The formula also has natural enzymes and guanine, which gives a pearly luster to your skin. And it's totally safe, as the droppings are sanitized by ultraviolet light exposure before milled to a fine powder. Say hello to a pale, polished and porcelain-like face that's just pooped to perfection!

The treatment also smells like toasted rice so that's a good thing, too. And there's a great finale with a hydrating camelia oil facial massage and refreshing antixiodant green tea collagen mask to follow up the treatment.

But if you're thinking this is an innovation, think again. Using the nightingale's feces is actually a super-old beauty secret. It is said Japenese actors and geishas began using it in 11th century. Who knew?

If this is nothing or something for you to try, tell us in the comments section below!