Try the Trend: Katie Holmes Uses Snail Slime, Ready to Get a Snail Facial?

We know what is your first thought: YUCK! Those nasty-little things that tear up your garden are the last thing you want on your face. But, what if getting down with a little snail slime had some fab benefits?

The Cut reports that snail secretions beat up wrinkles better than Rocky Balboa. Since snails snack on plants, their slime is rich in antioxidants and hyaluronic-acid that bust away facial dulliness and blemishes. Lets just call these our secret (but dirty) weapons in the fight against aging. Sometimes, the battle for beauty gets ugly! 

Snails are already feeding beauty junkies' habits in Japan, who are loving the new beauty treatment. At Clinical Salon in Tokyo for around $300, people get hooked up with the "Celebrity Escargot Course," an hour-long facial treatment involving a cleansing session and snail crawling on your mug. Crazy, but it works!

Katie Holmes swears by snails' special powers, and you can, too. If you dare, check out our facial clip and tell us if snuggling up with snails in the name of beauty is OK with you below!