Tired of Gunk on Your Collection of Makeup Brushes? WATCH Dirt-busting How To on Cleaning, Disinfecting and Taking Care of Essential Tools for Cheap

As makeup lovers, we spend so much time using our brushes to primp our faces.

We learn to swish and stroke our way to giving good face with just the appropriate amount of the latest, all-the-rage product that promises awesome results.

Even if we have to search every inch of every beauty aisle or the nearest cosmetic store to find quality brushes, we will because applying foundation and blush is just as perfunctory and routine as breathing. 

With that kind of high level of makeup activity, it's no wonder why we should value that very essential tool that takes up space in our cosmetic bags. What we are really trying to say is that every brush must be cared for and washed properly.

And doing some suds-producing cleaning is quick and easy in this new tutorial below!

It might be boring, but it's for a good cause. After all, isn't acne and a filthy, germ-filled face worth avoiding?

Check out the 1-2-3 fast way to clean your brushes below!