Dove Beauty Sketches: Most Viewed Online Video Ad of All Time, Skincare Brand Says - VIDEO

A women's perception of her face and skin is drastically different when compared to how society views them, according to Dove.

When the skincare brand determined that women can be their own worst beauty critics, they set out to find out about the problem in a social experiment known as their Real Beauty Sketches campaign. Their hard work paid off, with their film becoming the number one viewed online video ad of all time, according to a press release.

The film, seen more than 114 million times according to the Unruly's Viral Video Chart, shows seven women describing their physical attributes and self image in an effort for FBI forsenic artist Gil Zamora to sketch their self portraits. Fifteen million people in China watched, and countless others shared the ad video on social media since the campaign launched less than a month ago.

The popularity could stem from what Dove describes as the film's ability to strike an emotional chord with women, especially those who know that believing in your beauty creates confidence.

"The brand evoked an emotional reaction in millions of people that inspired them to share the positive message with others," said Fernando Machado, VP of Dove's Skin. "Beyond just the millions of views and publicity impressions, it is the outpouring of testmonials from around the world that are exciting us."

 Looking to see the film for the first time or again? Check out the clip below!