Skin Moles: How to Check from A to E

People are not just ignoring or pouting over their moles anymore -- they are marching to the nearest doctor to have them checked out.

These days, it is common knowledge that moles can be hotbeds for skin cancer.  So much so that health professionals advise women to carefully monitor them, and report to a doctor that minute that there is even the slightest change or problem. But how do you know just what to check for when looking at your face, and how do you separate the run-of-the-mill moles from cancerous ones?

Well, it takes knowing your Skin Cancer ABC's, said New York dermatogolist Dr. Julie Karen to Refinery 29 recently. A is for "asymmetry," applying to if your mole has mismatched sides. B stands for "borders" in accessing if it has a "jagged or scalloped" edge and C stands for "color," which means multiple colors. D, which stands for diameter, can be a bit more difficult to determine.

This is because not all melanomas are large, according to Karen. The general rule of thumb is that anything larger than a pencil eraser should be watched with a bird-eye view. 

And after checking all those things, make sure to check for E or "evolution," meaning any changes.

Refinery 29 advises that visiting a dermatologist at least once a year, and twice if you have a familial history of skin cancer, for a skin check is wise. It is also equally important to do an once-a-month self skin check. It can be a simple process of just identifying any moles and examining them for any unique qualities.

Basically, look for any weird-looking moles that stand out from the rest.You can shower first, and then grab a hand- held mirror to look for any new or suspicious moles as well as tracking the old ones. 

And always remember to follow the MTA's motto: If you see something, say something. In this case, say it to your doctor.