Matt Bomer: ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Too Gay to Be Christian Grey? Better Off Playing Gideon Cross

As the film adaptation to "Fifty Shades of Grey" becomes more anticipated it seems like top contenders for the role like Matt Bomer are slowly losing the Christian Grey appeal.

Recently new names have been thrown into the "Fifty Shades of Grey" casting pool to take on the role of Christian Grey such as actors Chace Crawford ("Gossip Girl") and Stephen Amell ("Arrow").

Let's be honest Matt Bomer, 35 is beyond gorgeous, unfortunately fans are slowly beginning to gravitate away from the "White Collar" hunk because Bomber is openly gay and people like author Bret Easton Ellis have hinted that the actor is too gay for the role.

The author who was banned from the 2013 GLAAD Awards for his controversial comments tweeted, "Okay I'll say it. Matt Bomer isn't right for Christian Grey because he is openly gay. He's great for other roles but this is too big a game."

Ellis is who also gay sent shockwaves across the internet. The gay community is still fighting for the right to get married worldwide but for one of their own to say that now there are certain jobs that gay people are not right for is repulsive.

Bomer who has starred in "Magic Mike" still seems to make the ladies swoon but with the new names being thrown into the Fifty Shades mix it seems like his chance of becoming Christian Grey are slipping away.

The odds are against the actor who is in his mid-30's while Christian Grey is in his late 20's in the beginning of the trilogy. Even though there are still some Matt Bomer fans that remain loyal and want to see the actor take on the rol,e author E.L. James told Entertainment Wise that the final choice of Christian Grey will unlikely to be chosen by fans.

However Bomer may continue into your living room every week as fans of the Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day are beginning to favor the actor to play Gideon Cross in the television adaptaion of the novels.