Michelle Obama Puts The Moves on Jimmy Fallon, Demonstrates Mom Dances

First lady Michelle Obama stopped by "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" to promote her "Lets Move" campaign and laid some serious moves down for the host. Starring with Fallon in a segment on the evolution of mom dancing, Obama actually disshelved the widely-held assumptions that moms can't move their hips. She even threw in a dramatic electric slide for comedic effect.

Fallon did his best 'dude looks like a lady' bit and Obama joined in for some dances like the "go shopping, get groceries," "driving the station wagon," and "the sprinkler." Mrs. Obama even threw in a "Dougie" dance for kicks. Later on, she sat down with Fallon for an interview on her campaign.

Lets Move is a comprehensive inititative launche by the First Lady three years ago that encourages a healthier diet in and out of school for kids across the country, better food labeling and extensive physical activity routines for children. Next week she will head down to Mississippi for the anniversary tour and to celebrate the progress that has been made since its start.

 "Just a few years ago when we launched let's move Mississippi was identified as the least healthy state in the United States, and just in the last year, the obesity rate for children has declined by 13%." 

She also pointed to a CDC study that suggests children are consuming fewer calories in this decade than they were in the last.  "It's good news, but we still have work to do," she said. 

You can watch Fallon's interview with First Lady Obama and the Evolution of Mom Dancing sketch below. Tell us what changes you've made to your diet in the past few years that have been successful. Also give us your insight on Obama's moves and her full interview with Fallon on the Lets Move! campaign to get children out to play and slimmed down.