Square Wayfarer Sunglasses, Bruno Mars, Mary Kate Olsen and Katy Perry Help Wayfarers Revival

1980's style sunglasses are taking over the sunglasses market. The best new trend for sunny spring days has a different edge to it—the square wayfarer sunglasses.

Square wayfarers take the classic lenses and give them a more rigid, defined shape to help you look vintage, but up with the modern times. The best part—these iconic glasses are unisex and look equally attractive on both guys and gals. What's great about the redesigned edges is that they don't take away from the iconic original wayfarer look at all, but simply draw in for a more sophisticated look for the wearer. Most come prescription friendly, too.

The wayfarer sunglasses are pop culture icons, but the subtle change to the design is instantly recognizable in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. While you can find other colors you may desire, there's nothing that looks more stylish than a black pair. As the guys at GQ put it in their spring preview, "we tried on every new pair of glasses, but this squared-off take on the classic reigned supreme."

Among the best selling sunglasses designs in history, the wayfarer sunglasses can be spotted in all kinds of historic photographs. Musicians, athletes, artists and entertainers of all likes have made them most popular, and though product placement and the wildly popular films "Blues Brothers" and Tom Cruise-headed "Risky Business" put them at their peak in the 1980's, they were first created in 1952 by American optical designer Raymond Stegeman. Like most trends, the wayfarers grew out of favor for a bit after their initial heyday in the 1950's and 1960's, but came back in the 1980's and are enjoying a revival currently, as well.

Vintage frame aficionados like Bruno Mars, Mary Kate Olsen and Katy Perry (among many others) have helped the wayfarers revival since the 2000's began.