‘Toddlers and Tiaras’ Mother Shuts Daughter Indoors to Prevent Sun Tan

Viewers on the reality show, "Toddlers and Tiaras" were shocked when as it was revealed that a mother shut her 3-year-old daughter, Serena Cruz, indoors so that her skin wouldn't get tanned, according to Huffington Post. The toddler was seen looking out longingly with her face pressed against the window as her brothers played basketball outside.

The pageant mother justified the act by explaining that she loved her kid's "natural golden skin tone" and didn't want the sun to damage or change it. "She has to stay inside. She follows the proper protocol," the site quoted her.

But the little toddler is surely not pleased with the "protocol" and complained "I really want to play outside. Like my brothers." And it's not just little Cruz who is displeased.

Viewers have been left furious after watching the video on Huffington Post. "I can't even find the words. Squashing a child's youth so YOU can put her in pageants and win, only because of skin tone!? Put sun block on her if it's that important. She will either grow up to rebel.. or be afraid of going outside. That poor baby," a viewer wrote.

This is not the first time mothers on the show have been criticized for putting their children through bizarre situations which even amounted to abuse. The show caused uproar when a mother sent her daughter onstage with a fake cigarette, which the toddler used as a prop.

Another contestant, a 3-year-old girl, appeared onstage dressed up as a hooker. The mother wanted to replicate Julia Roberts' look from the film "Pretty Woman." Strangely the mother did not seem to realize that "Pretty Woman" was a film and Julia Roberts was 23 years old not three. In January 2011, a mother received severe criticism when she forced her terrified daughter into waxing her eyebrows at a salon.