How to Dry Your Hair Without Damaging It

(Photo : Vecteezy / Michael Piepgras)
Sometimes, people do not think much about how they dry their hair. They get out of the shower, scrunch their hair in a towel, then blast it with hot air. However, experts warn that this routine might be damaging hair.

Achieving Damage-Free Dry Hair

When it comes to damaged hair, overuse of hot styling tools and harsh haircare products are well-known culprits. However, something as simple as how a person dries their hair can also cause damage, making it crucial to learn the best way to dry hair.

Experts say that drying hair properly has a system, first centered around the hair's cuticle, then the outer layer of hair strands. A damaged cuticle leads to dry, frizzy, and dull-looking hair, while a healthy cuticle lies flat, giving strands a shiny and strong appearance.

Towel-drying, air-drying, and blow-drying each have their perks, but all can cause damage if not done correctly, especially since hair is most fragile when wet. It's essential to choose the right drying method based on your hair type and styling goals to minimize damage and achieve healthy-looking hair.

1. Blow-Drying

To prepare your hair for blow-drying, avoid using the blow dryer on dripping wet hair, as this can lead to frizz. Gently towel-dry your hair to remove excess moisture, but avoid being rough to prevent damage. Wait at least 15 minutes after towel-drying before blow-drying to let your hair dry naturally a bit. This helps prevent damage caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of hair cuticles when exposed to hot air.

Use heat protectant products

To protect your hair before blow-drying, consider using a product like Kérastase L'incroyable Blowdry Hair Lotion. This product is designed to protect against heat damage and reduce frizz, suitable for various hair types.

Keep heat at low

To protect your hair while blow-drying, avoid using the high heat setting on your hair dryer or flat iron. High heat can make your hair look dull and frizzy, leading to damage over time. Instead, use the lowest heat setting to keep your hair healthy. If you have fine, thin hair, opt for the middle heat setting and lowest speed for styling flexibility without causing damage.

Section your hair

To achieve a polished look and reduce drying time, it's crucial to dry your hair in sections.

Start at the neckline, divide your hair into manageable sections, and clip them out of the way. Dry each section individually, using a sweeping motion to prevent over-drying.

This method ensures that every part of your hair is thoroughly dried and minimizes frizz. It may take a bit longer, but the results are worth it, being smooth, healthy-looking hair.

Use the right tools

To achieve a polished look, it is important to use the right tools when blow-drying your hair. The attachments that come with your dryer, like the concentrator nozzle, are designed to give you the best results. If your dryer does not have the attachments you need, consider investing in universal attachments.

Additionally, using a high quality hair dryer, such as a GHD Helios Hair Dryer, can help prevent heat damage and smooth wavy or curly hair. The right tools can make a big difference in how your hair looks and feels after drying.

Completely dry your hair

Committing to finishing the blow-drying process is crucial. If your hair appears frizzy or flat, it is a sign that there is still some lingering moisture. Take a few extra minutes to ensure your hair is completely dry but at room temperature for optimal results.

2. Towel-Drying

Towel-drying is ideal for hair that tends to be dry or needs quick drying.

The key is to gently squeeze out excess water instead of rubbing vigorously to avoid breakage. Opt for an absorbent material like microfiber or a cotton T-shirt instead of a regular towel to reduce frizz.

Microfiber towels are particularly effective for thicker hair, while T-shirts are gentle on all hair types. For curly hair, apply products and twist sections, then use a towel to absorb excess water.

Straight hair can use creams or salt sprays, gently squeezing them in instead of rubbing for the desired style.

3. Air-Drying

Air-drying can be a great option for giving your hair a break from heat styling or when you are short on time. To air dry effectively, start by giving your hair a shake to allow air to circulate, which helps it dry faster.

Use a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle wet hair, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots. This method reduces strain on fragile hair and promotes airflow, aiding in faster drying.

Consider using a heat protectant to prevent breakage and nourish your hair as it dries. Using these techniques can help you achieve a soft, natural finish when air-drying your hair.