Hand Creams for Men With Dry Hands This Winter

(Photo : Pexels/cottonbro studio)
During the wintertime, it becomes extremely important to keep the skin moisturized, as the cold weather can cause dryness and cracking. Hands are often the most affected, with the loss of moisture potentially resulting in increased signs of aging.

Keeping skin moisturized during the winter season is easy if you have products with the right ingredients.

Below are some hand lotions for men that will keep their hands replenished and hydrated.

O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream 

(Photo : Target )

One product men should invest in this winter is O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream for dry and cracked hands.

For an affordable price, you'll get a moisturizer that boosts hydration while creating a strengthening layer on the hands to prevent moisture loss. The unscented, non-greasy formula will melt into your hands. giving you instant replenishment.

Take this hand cream with you to work or on trips for constant application throughout the day, preventing dryness.

Duke Cannon Bloody Knuckles Hand Repair Balm

(Photo : Target)
The Duke Canon Bloody Knuckles Hand Repair Balm is fragrance-free and perfect for daily use. This balm comes in a thicker formula than most hand lotions, and the lanolin in it helps provide extra repair.

For those who aren't aware, lanolin oil is a waxy substance used in products that aim to combat dryness for hands, lips, hair, and more.

The hand cream promises extra moisture meant to last all day, making it particularly suitable for men who work outdoors or in physically demanding jobs.

Burt's Bees 100% Natural Hand Salve

(Photo : Burt's Bees )

Burt's Bees Hand Salve has beeswax, honey, oils, and shea butter to bring you all levels of moisture.

Recognized for its nourishing products, the brand incorporates 100% natural ingredients, ensuring this hand cream becomes a go-to option.

CeraVe Therapeutic Hand Cream

(Photo : Ulta Beauty)

The CeraVe Therapeutic Hand Cream targets very dry hands that have chafing or cuts, which are common concerns in the winter. The thick hand cream is fast-absorbing so you get instant hydration and softer-looking skin.

Just like many CeraVe products, this hand cream contains ceramides, which help restore the skin barrier, and niacinamide, which calms the skin. Due to these two ingredients, users, especially those who suffer from dryness, should expect restored skin. The product is suitable for all skin types.