5 Makeup Ideas for Thanksgiving 2023: Watch Tutorials

(Photo : Pexels/Sam Lion)

Thanksgiving has arrived, and it offers a fantastic opportunity to showcase your creativity and style through makeup look.

If you are still contemplating what makeup to wear to a Thanksgiving dinner or party, here are five makeup ideas you can try.

1. Trendy fall latte

The latte-inspired makeup trend has taken the beauty world by storm lately. Characterized by the colors of a classic latte, this makeup beautifully explores a spectrum of brown hues, resulting in a captivating yet versatile look.

This technique incorporates colors that evoke the feeling of coffee, employing shades like browns, tans, and creams to craft a welcoming and cozy appearance. It perfectly captures the essence of fall, syncing seamlessly with the ambiance of Thanksgiving.

Youtuber Jackie Wyers posted a 10-minute makeup tutorial on her channel, providing a step-by-step guide to recreate the trending look.

2. Burgundy glam

For a sultry Thanksgiving makeup look, embrace the allure of burgundy glam. This look incorporates wine-like hues such as deep reds, purples, and browns.

Makeup artist Tanielle Jai posted a tutorial of her own spin of the burgundy smokey eye makeup.

3. Classic red lip

You can elevate an understated Thanksgiving style effortlessly by adding a splash of vibrant red to your lips. The red lip remains timeless, adding a touch of sophistication to your holiday look.

Here's a tutorial from another Youtube makeup influencer, Sophie Floyd.

4. Dewy soft glam

Sweet and fresh makeup inspired by Korean idols can also beautifully complement Thanksgiving celebrations. This clean, dewy look features soft, pink-toned eyeshadows and glossy lips.

Below is a tutorial of a dewy glass skin makeup from beauty influencer Jessica Vu.

5. Pop of color

To amp up your makeup game for a striking and eye-catching appearance, consider incorporating a vibrant pop of color. A fantastic way to achieve this is by embracing a colored winged eyeliner, adding a bold statement and playful twist to your look.

Experiment with vibrant hues such as orange, fuchsia pink, yellow, or green. You may even mix and match these shades for a more playful and dynamic effect.

Here's a Youtube tutorial from @paintedbyspencer.

With a multitude of makeup ideas available on the internet, it's best to opt for what truly boosts your confidence and what you think exudes the holiday spirit best this year.