Prevent Hair Loss and Nurture Hair Regrowth

While it can be daunting to wake up to a pillow full of hair, find your vacuum ends locked because of hair strands, or find your drainage clogged after a shampoo, just remember that it's perfectly normal for us to lose hair every day. It is quite normal to lose 100-150 hair strands daily to make room for new hair regrowth. So, it's not all bad. 

Our hair's phases of shedding and regrowth are all part of the regular hair cycle. Our old strands go through a shedding phase to give way to new hairs that replace them. It's worth knowing that the number of hairs we have is highly dependent on many factors: genetics, hormones, nutrition, stress levels, age, medication, illnesses, childbirth, how we wear our hair, and even the season. There are some factors that we have little control over, and this makes us nervous about dealing with excessive hair shedding when we encounter it. 

Recently, it has been found that one of the reasons for unexplained shedding has been attributed to COVID-19. One of the lasting impacts of the virus is Telogen Effluvium, which is a type of hair loss caused by stress to the hair follicles. Stress in your system causes inflammatory cues to flood parts of your body, including the scalp. This results in hair shedding that may last for months.  

Impact of Inflammation on Men and Female Hair Loss

So how is inflammation related to hair shedding? Inflammation is considered a natural response from your body and serves as a safeguard against infection and subsequent tissue damage when your immune system is functioning appropriately. It is a response from our body to a disruption or discomfort. 

Our body sends a lot of white blood cells to the damaged or inflamed area to fight against germs and start the tissue repair process when it notices anything odd happening, such as a tear in the skin or excessive bacteria in the stomach. However, inflammation has the potential to persist over time when our immune system is compromised. In such cases, chronic inflammation occurs when the body is flooded with inflammatory messages that can play havoc, such as causing hair to fall. 

Best Stem Cell Serum for Hair-Loss Treatments and Hair Regrowth

While Calecim has numerous highly rated stem cell skincare products, Calecim's Professional Advanced Hair System has proven itself to be the choice of medical specialists when it comes to managing hair loss, in both men and women. The active ingredient is PTT-6 which is full of exosomes, proteins, and growth factors that provide strength and nutrition to weak hair follicles. This complex mix is derived from the brand's patented source of ethically derived stem cells. 

The Advanced Hair System has found its way into hair clinics around the world as a fast, effective way of treating hair thinning. Clinics apply it through their own clinical modalities, such as derma stamping or an electric derma pen. Some offer red-light therapy or LED on top of the serum to help revive hair follicles.

It has also been highly effective for at-home usage, as it is also sold with a derma stamp that you can use to apply the product yourself. The brand has done its own research in collaboration with doctors, and the results have been promising, with 95% of patients seeing an improvement in hair growth after 6-12 weeks of treatment. What is more, there have been zero side effects reported, which is pretty much unheard of in the world of hair drugs. 

Calecim's hair serum is also the only treatment that has a peer-reviewed article published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Journal that attests to its effectiveness in treating stubborn hair loss that was triggered by COVID-19.  In the test case, the patient went through five treatments in which the hair product was applied in the clinic. The new hair growth was much stronger and less fragile, and hair growth was evident only after 5 applications of the hair serum.  

Though more research needs to be done to assess the effectiveness of Calecim's stem cell hair serum on sickness-induced hair loss, the results are a promising start to a future when hair loss can be potentially eradicated through a simple microneedling of stem cell exosomes into the scalp.