Choosing An Engagement Ring For Life, With The Help of Friendly Diamonds Experts

There are certain things in this world that have become icons, the reason varying according to the circumstances. In the world of engagements, a diamond ring is by far the biggest and most important icon. Even young children recognize the sparkling diamond ring as a symbol of being engaged, waiting to hear the story behind it over and over again.

When it comes to choosing engagement rings, even the most simple and non-conformist couples are captivated. Therefore, one of the most important questions is "What makes an engagement ring the best?'' It may seem obvious, but it's the one that reflects your own distinct personality, that speaks directly to your soul - the one you've always dreamed of or it could be something totally wild, that speaks to the two of you in a language only you two understand. 

(Photo : Friendly Diamonds)

Founded in New York, Friendly Diamonds has created an online jewelry brand using a sustainable and eco-friendly business model to create your dream engagement ring. In order to solve the problem of young couples about which model to choose, they present a way to make your own dream ring. Offering a variety of styles that the ring can have such as: solitaire, halo, side-stone, three-stone and vintage, continuing with the shape of the diamond which can be: round, oval, radiant, pear and many more. Even the metal the ring is made of can be chosen from gold or platinum, with gold being offered in three colors: white, yellow and rose.

One of the things that set the brand apart is the eco-friendly business model, entering into the world of laboratory created diamonds. Their mission is to educate customers so that they understand exactly what lab-created diamonds are, by ensuring they are well informed about the purchase they are making. Using nature's methods along with decades of study in highly-controlled lab environments it is possible to produce real diamonds, identical, or perhaps superior, in structure, composition and form as earth-mined diamonds.  Friendly Diamonds works with the finest and most scientifically advanced diamond growers and cutters offering exceptional diamonds at a price substantially less than an earth-mined diamond of the same quality. The interest in providing a sustainable way to supply the growing market demand also responds to the growing environmental and ethical concerns surrounding the diamond trade.

(Photo : Friendly Diamonds)

Taking this business model to a level hardly accessible to its competitors, Friendly Diamonds offers a free virtual meeting, which you can schedule yourself according to your availability via their website, with a gemologist and jewelry specialist to guide the customer with their diamond jewelry purchase, receiving advice from the best in the business and saving time in choosing the ring or jewelry you want is something you don't come across very often.

Whether you opt for a classic diamond, a traditional version with a twist, a vintage-inspired design, a dramatic all-in-one band, or something unexpected and truly wild, your ring will be as glorious, and, we hope, as long-lived as the relationship it celebrates.