Hair Transplant for Women in Turkey: Natural Results at Competitive Prices


A growing number of women who experience thinning hair or balding opt for a hair transplant for women, as the procedure can help restore their natural hair in a single session.

Women with hair loss problems can experience hair thinning and shedding in different areas of the scalp, but the most common is the crown area. That condition is known as female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia.

The best treatment for female hair loss is plastic surgery regardless of the condition. Read on to learn about female hair transplant procedures at one of the most renowned clinics in Turkey.

High-Quality Hair Transplant for Women at Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic

If you want to restore your natural hair, you might want to consider getting a hair transplant in Istanbul. That's where you'll find Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic, where all the good candidates for hair restoration treatments can stimulate natural hair regrowth effectively.

The clinic boasts an expert medical team of JCI-accredited, experienced, highly skilled surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other physicians.

The lead hair transplant surgeon is the award-winning Dr. Serkan Agyin, who packs over 25 years of experience and has performed over 15,000 hair restoration procedures with a 98% success rate. At the 2019 European Awards in Medicine, he took home the prestigious Best Hair Transplant Surgeon award.

If you put trust in Dr. Serkan Aygin and his team, you'll achieve optimal hair density, restore your youthful appearance, and give your confidence a much-needed boost.

How Does A Hair Transplant For Women Work?

At Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic, this type of surgical hair restoration can be performed in two ways. One combines a follicular unit extraction (FUE) and a DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) technique, while the other involves only the latter.

FUE hair transplant for women

An FUE hair transplant for women starts by shaving a small area at the back of the head that serves as a donor site. The surgeon uses a micro-motor tool with steel blades and hollow needles to make tiny incisions and extract hair-bearing scalp follicles.

The next step involves implanting the harvested donor hair into the recipient areas using a DHI technique.

The surgeon uses a Choi pen to implant individual hair follicles directly into the balding areas without incisions. That minimizes scalp trauma, maximizes graft survival rates, and shortens the recovery.

Unshaven hair transplant for women

Unshaven hair transplant procedures are quite popular among women dealing with hair loss. As the name suggests, they don't require shaving donor areas (the back or sides of the scalp, depending on the type and severity of hair loss).

However, unshaven hair transplants limit the number of grafts (typically 1,000) that can be transplanted in a single session.

This procedure is performed at Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic using the DHI method. The surgeon simultaneously extracts and implants hair follicles into the recipient area using multiple Choi pens.

Since there's no shaving, it's easier to match the transplanted hair to the natural angle and direction of hair growth, thus achieving natural-looking results.

Using only the DHI method ensures even less scalp trauma, higher graft survival rates, and faster healing. Since no incisions are involved, there's no scarring whatsoever.

Hair Transplant Costs in Turkey

Turkey has become the go-to destination for hair transplants because its reputable clinics offer high-quality treatments at competitive prices. If you were to undergo a hair transplant procedure anywhere else in Europe and beyond, you would make a huge dent in your wallet.

For instance, hair transplantation in the UK can reach up to £30,000. Hair transplant cost in Turkey is up to 70% cheaper.

This price disparity has nothing to do with quality. Turkey boasts of some of the best hair transplant surgeons in the world. As long as you pick a reliable clinic, you'll receive excellent care and enjoy top-notch results.

There are three reasons why hair transplants in Turkey are so affordable: the devalued Turkish Lira, low labor costs, and the low cost of living.

What's more, clinics in Turkey offer all-inclusive services for all hair restoration treatments.

At Dr. Serkan Aygin, all-inclusive packages include:

●        Free, non-binding consultation

●        Free hair analysis

●        Needle-free, painless anesthesia

●        Post-op medication and hair products

●        Laser hair therapy

●        Hotel accommodation and transfer

●        24/7 patient support

●        Lifetime warranty

Find Out If You Are a Good Hair Transplant Candidate

Most women are good candidates for hair transplant procedures, but a consultation and hair analysis will help determine the best treatment for your needs.

Contact Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic to schedule a free consultation with its expert surgeon, find out if and which hair transplant surgery will work for you, and stimulate the natural, permanent growth of your beautiful hair.