Victoria's Secret Sued for $15 Million by Zephyrs

Victoria's Secret is being sued by Zephyrs hosiery supplier for breach of contract. 

Victoria's Secret and its parent company is being accused of using knockoffs and breaching a 2001 contract.  Zephyrs  a Women's Hosiery supplier has filed a lawsuit for 15 million dollars.

 The New Jersey based hosiery designer Zephyrs, alleges Victoria's Secret mislead customers by selling less expensive, Canadian made stockings at the same time using the Zephyrs Italian made stocking brand photos and packaging in the Victoria's Secret's store displays.  The hosiery inside the packaging is no longer produced by Zephyrs.

The owner of Zephyrs Debra Mackinnon told WWD that she noticed Victoria's Secret was still using old images on its packaging, but the product inside was markedly different, with "cheaper lace trims, irregular borders - less durable construction."

Zephyrs claim that Victoria's Secret is creating profit decrease and mounting debt due to the expenses. The retailer has contacted Zephyrs suppliers directly with the intent to copy the designs, violating the 2001 written contract.

Currently, Victoria's Secret have no comment on the suit.