Celebrity Stylist Ted Gibson to Makeover Olympian Gabby Douglas

Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas gets a new makeover by celebrity stylist Ted Gibson.  

Gabby Douglas at 16 years-old made Olympic history becoming the first African-American gymnast to win the All-Around gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics. Instead of being known for such great fet, many in the public where more focused on Gabby's hair?

Ted Gibson celebrity hair stylist offered the gold medal gymnast a new makeover, "I couldn't believe it and still can't said Gibson to The Daily Beast  regarding the controversy over Gabby's hair during the London Olympics, "You have this young girl doing amazing tings, and the conversation becomes about her hair?" 

Ted Gibson had worked with many celebrities from Anne Hathaway, Gabrielle Union, Ashley Green and for fashion houses Prada and Chanel. Gibson is planning to create a look for Gabby that would make her look great no matter what she is doing.

"I hope to create something that makes her feel good about herself as well. That's so important and a big part of what I do for all the women I work with" adding "I'm excited because she's so young and I have a chance for input in the brand of Gabby," said Gibson.

During the London Olympics Gabby won the women all-around competition becoming the first African-American to win the gold, instead of praises and adoration many people took to social media criticizing Gabby about her hair.

Social media comments included:

"Gabby Douglas is cute and all..but that hair....... On camera."

"She needs some gel and a brush..Someone needs to give her a hair intervention.. She has to "represent"

Gabby responded to the social media critics stating: "I don't know where this is coming from. What's wrong with my hair? I'm like, 'I just made history and people are focused on my hair?' It can be bald or short, it doesn't matter about (my) hair." said Gabby to several media outlets after she won the gold medal.

Gabby's mom chimed in adding  "How ignorant is it of people to comment on her hair and she still has more competitions to go. Are you trying to ruin her self confidence?," Hawkins told Fashionista.com. - "What have you done to help contribute to her dream, that you felt it necessary to put it out there so that she could see it."

Now Gabby has a new ally in Ted Gibson, the 16 year-old gymnast has a bright future ahead of her and her hair should be the last thing she should be worried about.