Here’s What Makes Vacuum Therapy Better Than Most Butt Enlargement Procedures

How satisfied are you with your butt size?

Yes, you. I'm talking to you.

How much do you L-O-V-E every inch of the curve your momma gave you?

On a scale of 10, where would you say your love for your butt size ranks?

If you're like most women, you probably want to transform those butts into a more captivating silhouette - something to stand you out from the crowd, a center of attraction.

Well, the good - albeit stale - news is you can always add to your butt.

A more recent news, however, is that you don't have to undergo surgery to get your dream butt.

Heard about the Vacuum Therapy butt lift procedure yet?

Read on to find out about it!

What is vacuum therapy for butts?

Vacuum therapy for buttocks is a butt lift procedure that comes from a centuries-old Asian tradition called cupping therapy.

Building on the knowledge unearthed by the Chinese, the rest of the world now adopts a similar concept in transforming the human buttocks into a more appealing and attractive pile of fat.

Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive massaging technique that helps to lift your skin via a butt lift machine equipped with suction cups. 

What makes vacuum therapy for butts better than most butt enlargement procedures?

1.     Very affordable

The first and the biggest advantage of vacuum therapy butt lift over the other butt lift procedures is its affordability.

For as low as $50 - $120, anyone can get a successful vacuum therapy procedure in their home or at a beauty salon downtown.

If you're a business owner in the beauty care industry, you can also look to start a business in this niche, seeing as all you need to get started is a vacuum therapy butt lift machine, and you're good to go. You can check the Bella Vacuum site for details on how to procure this machine.

2.     It's a non-invasive enlargement procedure

One does not need to be a medical expert to guess how much risk is involved in most invasive surgical butt enlargement procedures. More often than not, we see people experiencing some of the following side effects after undergoing an invasive procedure:

- excessive bleeding after surgery

- pain

- scarring

- skin discoloration

- infection

Not to mention the risk of the procedure being administered by unlicensed providers in nonmedical environments and with nonsterile equipment.

Vacuum therapy, on the other hand, is completely non-invasive, which means that nothing is injected into your butt (unlike in Sculptra), no part of your body is suctioned to obtain fat (unlike in fat transfer), and nothing is inserted into your butt area (unlike in Silicone implants).

By and large, vacuum therapy gives you the butt of your dream without putting you through the risk of a life-threatening infection or condition.

3.     The process is more natural

While most butt enlargement procedures rely on introducing external substances/devices into the butt to initiate the enlargement of your butt, vacuum therapy works in a more natural way, relying on the fundamental phenomena of butt growth.

For example, while procedures like Silicone implant relies on materials like silicone to do the enlargement, vacuum therapy simply moves fatty cells from different parts of the body to your buttock tissues through a constant cup suction massaging process. These transferred fats are what bring about the enlargement in your butt area, making it firmer, curvier, and fuller.

4.     Appropriate for women of all ages

Another huge advantage of vacuum therapy is that it produces the same effect on women of all ages. Whether you're 45 or 25, you can expect a drastic change in your butt shape and volume when you undergo a vacuum therapy butt lift.

This is way better than most butt lifts procedures, which are age-centric. For example, the Brazilian Butt lift (BBL) is appropriate for women between the ages of 26 and 35, and the Silicone implant is best for women in their early 20's.

5.     A chance to be rid of your cellulite

It's estimated that more than 85 percent of all women 21 years and older have cellulite. If you fall into this bracket, then you have another reason to love vacuum therapy butt lift.

From the number of success stories and results seen on patients, it's safe to conclude that Vacuum therapy offers the beauty of eliminating cellulite around the buttocks and thighs.

6.     Faster results

What more can anyone seeking a bigger butt ask for other than a procedure that brings instant results? You will begin to see the results of your butt lift almost immediately on your first therapy.

Yes, you read that correctly!

Although for more pronounced results, you'll need to attend multiple sessions of at least 6 to 12 sessions spaced approximately one week apart, and then to maintain the results, you will need to do a minimum of 1 to 2 sessions per year for the following years.