10 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Massages

If you spent your Valentine's Day in a couple's spa or Montreal massage parlor, you revived much more than just your love life. Body massages are not only there to make you feel good, but they also have beauty-enhancing properties that not many are aware of. Here are ten surprising ways of getting a massage that makes you look as beautiful as you feel. 

Promotes Weight Loss and Regeneration

Don't cancel your gym membership just yet. While there are different kinds of massages that focus on weight loss, it works best by supplementing it with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Not only do massages increase mobility and speedy recovery, but they also help carry nutrients and oxygen for muscle growth and calorie burn. 

If you're in recovery from injuries, using massage therapy for your rehabilitation can help you heal faster. Many types of massage can be used to treat injuries. Massages can assist after injury by easing pain, soothing tight muscles, and soften scar tissue.

Increases Skin Moisture

If you feel amazing after a massage, it's because special products are used to leave your skin nourished, hydrated, and smooth. Using heat from hands or a hot bath before a massage allows your skin to absorb the nutrients in the oil or cream easily. 


We often forget that body massages do wonders for the skin as well as our muscles. Removing dead cells from your skin will improve the overall health and appearance of your skin. Depending on what kind of treatment you get, they'll throw in extra skincare for baby smooth skin. 

Many individuals that have preexisting skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema could benefit even more. When paired with professional expertise and the right products, symptoms of skin inflammation can be greatly reduced due to its soothing properties. 

Reduces Scar Tissue

We mentioned earlier that massage therapy could be used for injury rehabilitation. One important factor when it comes to appearance is scars. How well you take care of them will determine how they heal and how visible they'll be. 

Massages are a popular method for softening scar tissue and making them appear less visible. Other scar tissue management techniques involve injections or surgery, so massage therapy is a more pleasant and less invasive approach towards healing. Keep in mind that the longer you've had it, the more difficult it is to treat it.  

Skin Tightening

When you get a massage, it encourages blood circulation, skin regeneration, and elasticity. Not only will it help with swollen feet, but it can also treat and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. 

Stretch is discolored scarring caused by the rapid growth of the body, such as during puberty, weight gain, or pregnancy. The good news is that it can diminish over time, but will not disappear completely.

Aging is a natural process everyone goes through, but for those that want to delay the signs, there may be an effective treatment. If you're experiencing looser skin, fine lines, and want to take preventative measures against wrinkles, facial massages are there to reduce the appearance and development of wrinkles. 

Stimulates Circulation

The key to healthy, glowing skin is blood circulation. Encouraging blood flow improves skin tone and texture, but it can also help reduce the swelling and discomfort for patients that struggle with vascular conditions such as varicose veins, which commonly occur in the legs. Bringing more oxygen and flow to areas also increases collagen, a vital tool against signs of aging. 

Reduces Cellulite 

We mentioned that healthy blood circulation helps with glowing, even skin, but you can also target certain problem areas. While there's nothing inherently wrong with cellulite, many beauty gurus want to get rid of it. People fall into the trap of thinking that creams and lotions alone can treat cellulite - but that's not the case. 

Creams can be used for massages to treat cellulite, but the key is in the massaging process. This can be done at home or with the help of a professional massage therapist.

Strengthens Your Immune System

Not only does getting a massage lift your mood, but it also boosts your immune system. Researchers did a study and found that people who received a 45-minute massage had an increased number of white blood cells. The subjects also experienced lower levels of molecules that play a role in inflammation. 

Quality Beauty Sleep 

There's no sleep that matches a nap after a spa session or dozing off on the massage table from how relaxed we are. Quality of sleep is directly linked to our physical appearance. All the more excuse to get some shut-eye!

Better Hair & Scalp Health

Whether you get a throughout scalp massage at the hair salon or rub your scalp while you wash your hair, you're giving your hair the royal treatment. Scalp massages increase blood flow to promote hair growth and minimize dry, itchy scalp, or dandruff production. 

Bottom Line

Addressing the link between beauty and health shows how much our appearance is tied to our well-being. In many ways, massages can be preventative as well as therapeutic. We don't need more reasons to get body massages, but learning about the additional benefits sure does help. Take time off and take care of yourself.