Five Essential Items for Summer Concerts 2020

One of the most exciting events that we wait for all winter long is the outdoor summer concerts. The tailgates before the shows with the sun starting to set, the pre-concert playlist, and the cold drinks and barbecue surrounding the venue are just a few things that add to the experience. 

Even if you're only going to a day concert and not a multi-day festival, there are essentials you must bring to make the day even more memorable. We're going to go over exactly what you need to bring this summer! 

The Right Concert Outfit

After buying the tickets, the next most crucial thing to think about is the perfect Instagram worthy outfit. When choosing what to wear, it's not only about looking cute, but you should think about the weather. 

During the tailgate and the beginning of the show, it will likely be scorching. A brightly colored crop top and high waisted acid washed shorts are always a great option. To choose a color, think about the music; crazy party music? Maybe tie-dye! A slower setlist? Perhaps a neutral color. Whatever you wear, be comfortable and feel good in it. 

Shoes are also a vital part of every outfit. Remember, at outdoor concerts, you'll be on your feet for a long time, and people will probably step on your feet. There's also a possibility it'll rain, which can create a muddy mess for everyone. 

Even though it's hot, sometimes sandals or flip flops aren't the best choices. Look for cute sneakers or shop platform shoes that go with your outfit. You'll be more comfortable and ready to dance once they start playing. 

A Secure Bag for Valuables

Concerts and festivals are fun because there are so many people together enjoying the same music. However, whenever there are large crowds, there's a risk that you might lose something important. 

To avoid this, it's essential to get a bag that safely stores away your belongings while you are jamming out to your favorite songs.

The fanny pack has made quite the comeback in recent times, and they are a perfect way to bring your valuables securely. Find one that matches your clothes and adds to the outfit, knowing you won't lose your things while at the concert! 

Proper Toiletries

Summer concerts usually have outdoor venues, which creates an unforgettable atmosphere. However, you then must consider the elements. Always wear good quality sunscreen, even if it's overcast. A bad sunburn is not something you want to take home with you after the concert. 

Also, it's a good idea to bring bug repellent because as the sun sets, the bugs will join the party. Bug bites can be very annoying to deal with and for days after the concert as well. 

Another thing lots of people forget is hand sanitizer. You'll probably be using outdoor bathrooms that have been used over and over again for hours. A little squirt of that stuff can keep you clean during the concert. 

A Tapestry or Large Blanket

Many venues have lawn seats, which are a lot of fun, but you could be standing for a long time. To make sure you don't get grass stains on your well-planned outfit, bring a tapestry to sit on between performers. 

If it's incredibly sunny, it can also be used as a way to create shadow and get some relief from the summer sun. You can bring some snacks and have a little picnic before the concert starts. 

A Water Bottle

This might seem obvious, but a lot of people forget to drink enough water on the days they really need it. You'll be outside and sweating for a lot of the day, which can quickly dehydrate you. 

This is even more important if you are 21 years or older and plan to be drinking alcohol before or at the concert. "To combat dehydration and limit your alcohol intake, have a glass of water in between every alcoholic drink," suggests Dr. Markul of the Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago.

The Bottom Line 

Summer concerts bring people together to enjoy music and have fun. Some of the best memories of break are spending days outside in a parking lot and then seeing your favorite bands live. 

Being prepared can create a better experience for you. Make sure you have a practical and trendy outfit, a secure bag for essential things, essential toiletries, a blanket to relax on the lawn with, and plenty of water.

Rock on concert lovers!