Lady Gaga's Twitter Reveals Two Versions of Her "Fame" Fragrance [PHOTOS]

Lady Gaga took to twitter revealing that her 'Fame' fragrance will have two versions.

The 26 year-old singer posted earlier in June, on her twitter the description of the original 'Fame' perfume is suppose to smell like : 'tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchidea, a black veil of incense, the combinative essences of saffron and honeydrops and pulverized apricots." The new scent has no description of yet.

Lady Gaga again posted on her twitter "Le Materpiece Fame: the premiere edition my fragrance, cap is solid metal not plastic."

Adding there are 2 version of fragrance. One for more affordable, the other 'Le Masterpiece, larger bottle, metal cap & eau de parfum. My baby!"

The affordable perfume will cost $30 and "Le Masterpiece" $70 according to Lady Gaga to her @LittleeMonsteer, adding "define  affordable, hun.. " LMFFAAOOO."

The "Born this way" singer has been busy in her world tour, recently in Australia when she took to twitter to reveal the second version of her fragrance.