Lady Gaga Goes Leather for Maxim Australia July Issue [PHOTOS]

Lady Gaga posed for Maxim Australia July 2012 issue wearing a sexy leather outfit. Gaga reveals her views on privacy, sexuality and admiration for Britney Spears.

Lady Gaga, showed her powerful edgy side for the Maxim Australian July 2012 Cover. The 26 year-old singer in her usual style shows her provocative, revealing outfit, just as she always does.

The 'Edge of Glory' artist showed off her edgy look to photographer Reninio Maifredi, Fashion/Portrait photographer who has done works with Celebrities, Fashion Magazines, from Marie Claire to Jimmy Fallon.

Maxim Australia's interview reveals Gaga's thoughts on sexuality, privacy and her admiration for Britney Spears.

Lady Gaga view on sexuality "depends on the guy or the girl. But I'm not discussing my sex life with you. I will say that I'd be a happy girl if I could make the whole world gay," when asked wheter she prefers sex with men or women,

Lady Gaga admiration Britney Spears came when she was 13. "I was 13 when Britney became a star, I was amazed by the level of superfan that Britney created, I liked to watch and be part of the huh-huh-huh... I want to bring back the feeling I used to feel."

Lady Gaga likes her privacy "My concerts are about me being very private in public, but I'm very protective. My apartment is my stage, and my bedroom is my stage - they're just not stages you're allowed to see. When you let a bunch of people in there, they f*&k with that energy and it becomes a circus."

More of Lady Gaga's candid interview can be read on Maxim Australia July 2012 issue.